Portfolio 1
Title: “Greek Vocabulary for Textual Analysis using IRaMuTeQ”
Description: “Latest and fullest Greek vocabulary. Find it on GitHub”
Title: “Greek Vocabulary for Textual Analysis using IRaMuTeQ”
Description: “Latest and fullest Greek vocabulary. Find it on GitHub”
Title: “Data on Google and Facebook’s Journalism Funding Beneficiaries”
Description: “The data concerns Google News Initiative and Facebook Journalism Project Find it on GitHub”
Published: May 16, 2020
Published: July 07, 2020
Published: December 08, 2020
Published: December 10, 2020
Published: March 07, 2021
Article for a Greek newspaper
Published: March 22, 2021
Article for a Greek news outlet
Published: April 03, 2021
Article for a Greek newspaper
Published: October 17, 2021
Published: November 16, 2021
Published: March 12, 2022
Opinion piece with Nikos Smyrnaios on the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia for the Tech Policy Press
Published: February 07, 2023
Read here Wrote a piece on Google’s and Meta’s funding for journalism programs.
Published: July 06, 2023
I was interviewed by Willim Turvill on my article regarding the journalism funding programs of Google and Meta
Published: July 31, 2023
Opinion piece (in Greek) on the implementation of EMFA in Greece and its potential implications for the national news media political economy.
Published: October 13, 2023
Interview on Big Tech’s soft power in Brussels for La Lettre.
Published: November 07, 2023
The story of far-right extremists’ participation in our national elections caused great societal concern last year and was the topic of many political discussions. Thus, first of all, I would like to thank the Oversight Board for undertaking such an important and politically sensitive case. I will now switch to Greek, my maternal language, as I would like to have this comment made public and shared with fellow Greeks.
Published: November 07, 2023
Gave an interview on what new capabilities does the DSA bring with regard to transparency in platforms’ content moderation practices here.
Published in Digital Games: Philosophical, social and cultural investigations, 2021
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C., & Roinioti, E. (2021). eSports and Digital Arenas. In Digital Games: Philosophical, social and cultural investigations. Oasis.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C., & Roinioti, E. (2021). eSports and Digital Arenas. In Digital Games: Philosophical, social and cultural investigations. Oasis.
Published in Open Research Europe, 2021
This study introduces a comprehensive overview of literature concerning the concepts of regulation and governance, and attempts to connect them to scholarly works that deal with the governance of and by social media platforms. The paper provides fundamental definitions of regulation and governance, along with a critique of polycentricity or multi-stakeholderism, in order to contextualise the discussion around platform governance and, subsequently, online content regulation. Moreover, where traditional governance literature conceptualised stakeholders as a triangle, this article proposes going beyond the triad of public, private and non-governmental actors, to account for previously invisible stakeholder clusters, like citizens and news media organisations. This paper also contends that, while platform governance is an important field of study and practice, the way it has been structured and investigated so far, is posing an existential risk to the broader internet governance structure, primarily, because of the danger of conflating the internet with platforms. As a result, there exists a timely need to reimagine the way in which we understand and study phenomena related to platform governance by adjusting our conceptual and analytical heuristics. So, this article wishes to expand the theorisation of this field in order to better engage with complicated platform governance issues, like the development of regulatory frameworks concerning online content regulation.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C. (2021). "The existential stakes of platform governance: a critical literature review" Open Research Europe. 1(1). https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/articles/1-31/v2
Published in AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2021, 2021
This article studies the cultural contingency of video-game production on Amazonеs live-streaming platform, Twitch. It looks at this phenomenon from a political-economic perspective to unearth Twitchеs platformisation strategy to better understand what it means for the video-game industry. Platformisation signifies the infrastructural embeddedness of platforms, supported by a business strategy of expanding beyond their servicesе boundaries to standardise appropriation, processing and exploitation of data, resulting in a dependency of content creators on digital platforms. Subsequently, we wish to grasp what dependencies are created and how it is made possible. We argue that Twitch is transforming into an integral part of the video-game production cycle by expanding its services to every stage of a gameеs life cycle. Consequently, game developers are incentivised to apply these features in their game design, thus creating an economic feedback loop that a) aspires to increase user acquisition, retention and revenue, b) locks-in game developers and viewers alike, and c) вplatformisesг the gaming experience.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C., & Roinioti, E. (2021). EXPLORING VIDEO-GAME PRODUCTIONеS CONTINGENCY ON LIVE-STREAMING PLATFORMS: THE CASE OF TWITCH. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2021i0.12223 https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/spir/article/view/12223
Published in Dublin City University, 2021
CovidCheck is the third monitoring report that has been commissioned by the BAI and prepared by the DCU Institute for Future Media, Democracy and Society (FuJo), on the implementation of the Code in Ireland. Each of these reports has been part of a larger monitoring process undertaken by European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), at the request of the EU Commission. As with the first two reports, the authors of CovidCheck conclude that, while the Code is a significant first step in fighting disinformation, significant weaknesses in terms of structure, content and enforcement remain to be addressed. This conclusion also underpins the guidance issued by the EU Commission in May 2021 on how the Code should be strengthened by the signatories to become a more effective tool in fighting disinformation.
Recommended citation: Eileen, C., Kirsty, P., Feenane, T., Papaevangelou, C., Conroy, A., & Suiter, J. (2021). CovidCheck: Assessing the Implentation of EU Code of Practice on Disinformation in Relation to Covid-19. DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society & Broadcasting Authority of Ireland . https://fujomedia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Code2021_COVIDCheck.pdf http://doras.dcu.ie/26472/1/20210914_Final-Report_DCU.pdf
Published in Journalism and Digital Content in Emerging Media Markets, 2022
This chapter first discusses how Facebookеs content moderation process works, along with Facebookеs policies on Dangerous Individuals and Organizations, which were allegedly violated in the case we examine in this chapter; second, we briefly describe necessary contextual information regarding 17 November and Koufontinasеs actions, as well as what sparked the controversy presented here. Our case study consists of several instances of content removals and account restrictions of Greek journalists that were covering protests and were participating in the public debate around Koufontinas's hunger strike. All examined content moderation decisions took place on Facebook during the same period, mostly between February and April 2021. Last, we conduct a case-by-case analysis to deduce if the content had indeed violated any platform policy to extrapolate what may have happened in this case study and what socio-political stakes exist with the current content governance. Consequently, we argue that this chapter further demonstrates platformsе preference to proactively err on the side of more content removal rather than letting politically controversial content on its services; this also further strengthens the argument that platforms are not neutral intermediaries and are increasingly taking editorial decisions.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C., Smyrnaios, N. (2022). The Case of a Facebook Content Moderation Debacle in Greece. In: Iordanidou, S., Jebril, N., Takas, E. (eds) Journalism and Digital Content in Emerging Media Markets . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04552-3_2 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-04552-3_2
Published in Global Media and China, 2023
This article proposes to start considering the role that citizens play in platform governance as a way of critically reflecting on issues of inclusivity in and effectiveness of current decision-making processes. This article attempts to apply the above suggestion by studying citizensе discourse in recent European efforts to regulate online content. It does so by employing an experimental methodology, namely, a computationally assisted Critical Discourse Analysis on textual data derived from citizensе contributions to the European Commissionеs Public Consultations on three crucial regulatory texts: the Code of Practice on Disinformation, the Recommendation on Tackling Illegal Content Online and the Digital Services Act. The present analysis suggests that the EUеs strategy to advance participatory governance through public consultations seems to ignore citizensе qualitative input and, thus, the feedback received can be severely limited. Concluding, the article maintains that scholarship should adopt a more encompassing scope when studying platform governance, especially concerning citizen and user participation, beyond the traditional frame of participation through civil society representation, while critically scrutinising existing ostensibly participatory structures.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C. (2023). The role of citizens in platform governance: A case study on public consultations regarding online content regulation in the European Union. Global Media and China, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/20594364221150142 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/20594364221150142
Published in Digital Journalism, 2023
With more and more governments around the world considering or having already passed laws aiming to regulate the relationship between news publishers and online platforms, primarily, by ensuring a form of remuneration of the former from the latter, we ought to understand the current situation. This article seeks to inquire who platforms fund, how and why. We created a dataset of organizations that have participated in Google News Initiative or Facebook Journalism Project by gathering data from communicative and informative material found on the websites of platforms and beneficiaries. Through our analysis, we identified stakeholders that play a crucial role in the realization of platformsе funding programs, whom we call funding intermediaries. Therefore, this article contends that the platformsе strategic decision has not only been to distribute money through a complicated governance structure, but also to target parts of the industry that have been hurt by an ongoing crisis, aggravated by the platformsе dominance of the advertising industry. However, funding journalism ensures neither media capture, i.e., positive or lack of critical coverage, nor regulatory capture, i.e., avoiding or adjusting regulation. As a result, we ultimately propose to approach capture as a political-economic concept to study platform power.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C. (2023). Funding Intermediaries: Google and Facebookеs Strategy to Capture Journalism. Digital Journalism. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2022.2155206 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21670811.2022.2155206
Published in Media and Communication (Forthcoming), 2023
The Google News Initiative (GNI) aims to collaborate closely with the news industry and financially support the creation of quality journalism in the digital age. It also aims to bring technological advancements and innovation into newsrooms’ operations. Drawing on journalism innovation and responsible innovation theories, this study examines GNI beneficiaries in Africa and the Middle East. To address this, we analysed GNI projects’ descriptions combined with thirteen (n = 13) in‐depth interviews with leading actors and beneficiary news organisations to answer two main questions: (a) What are the main characteristics of the technological innovations proposed by GNI Innovation Challenge grantees in Africa and the Middle East? and (b) How are these news media organisations becoming increasingly dependent on these platforms’ technological and financial aspects? Anchored in journalism innovation, responsible innovation, and platformisation the‐ ories, our findings show that funded organisations heavily depend on Google’s technological and financial infrastructure to innovate. Furthermore, we note that some projects do not offer a clear path for sustainability in the future. We further argue that this initiative builds an infrastructure of power and dependency that poses risks to responsible innovation in journalism. Our study contributes to extant scholarship on digital platforms and their role in the infrastructure of news organisations, creating power asymmetries between those who serve as the backbone for data flows and technological processes and those dependent on these institutions.
Recommended citation: de-Lima-Santos, M.F,, Munoriyarwa, A., Elega, A., & Papaevangelou, C. (2023). Google News Initiative’s Influence on Technological Media Innovation in Africa and the Middle East. Media and Communication, 11(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v11i2.6400 https://www.cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommunication/article/view/6400/
Published in Anàlisi, 2023
At a time when the news industry struggles to cope with the dominance of the advertising market by large platforms, along with recent crises like the Covid-19 pandemic, commercial deals and regulatory initiatives are becoming increasingly common. While there is ample space for regulatory interventions seeking to level the playing field between news industryеs stakeholders and platforms, we are concerned these might further cement dependency of the former on the latter through co-regulatory frameworks that epitomize the capture of vital infrastructures by platforms. This article examines the three-year negotiation of French news publishers with Google and Meta, which concluded with four framework agreements being signed. For our analysis, we first look at the historical trajectory of how these deals were made possible using secondary sources, like leaks, press releases and the French Competition Authorityеs rulings, and we then discuss their details and implications. We trace Googleеs attempt to capture news media in France and discuss the asymmetrical power it has muscled over the news industry, and how the subsequent deals with Meta were affected. Finally, our case study shows that these frameworks are not sufficient to tackle systemic imbalances а even if they mean well - because they fail to challenge the concentration of power by a handful of oligopolistic private companies and, thus, effectively leave it up to them and the free marketеs idiosyncrasies to decide how they are implemented.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C., & Smyrnaios, N. (2023). Regulating dependency: The political stakes of online platforms’ deals with French publishers. Anàlisi, 68, 117–134. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/analisi.3546 hhttps://analisi.cat/article/view/v68-papaevangelou-smyrnaios
Published in European Journal of Communication, 2023
Amongst the many debates within the sphere of platform governance, one is particularly telling of the political stakes at play: how should journalistic content be treated in relation to content regulation? There is, perhaps, no better case in which this is playing out than the upcoming Digital Services Act proposed by the European Commission. Specifically, on the one hand, news media organisations have been lobbying for a дnon-interference principleе that would prevent platforms from moderating editorial content that has been published by credible news sources, while on the other hand, officials, platforms, and civil society experts have been arguing against such a measure, primarily, due to the risk of creating an exploitable loophole for bad actors. This paper aims to unravel the contentious negotiations behind this debate. This article draws from more than a dozen of in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders. Finally, this paper aspires to help inform the multifaceted conundrum of who governs the contemporary digital public sphere, to further expose the risks of entrusting this task solely to social media platforms and, last, to contribute to a much-needed theorisation and reconsideration of news mediaеs role in platform governance.
Recommended citation: Papaevangelou, C. (2023). ‘The non-interference principle’: Debating online platforms’ treatment of editorial content in the European Union’s Digital Services Act. European Journal of Communication, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/02673231231189036 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/02673231231189036
Published: January 11, 2020
Pariticpated in the Doctoral Colloquium of AoIR2020
Published: June 23, 2020
Participated in the JOLT Conference of July 2020
Published: October 16, 2020
Participated in the JOLT Conference of November 2020
Published: January 11, 2021
Participated in the AoIR2022 workshop on Radical Approaches to Platform Governance. You can access the presentation here.
Published: May 31, 2021
Organised & participated in the JOLT June 2021 Conference in Toulouse
Published: June 16, 2021
Published: June 25, 2021
Presented our work on the CovidCheck Report at FuJo's Advisory Board
Published: September 09, 2021
Presented my peer-reviewed article to Hans-Bredow Institute. You can access the presentation here and read more here
Published: September 17, 2021
Participated in the JOLT September 2021 Conference in Pamplona. Presented our work with Nikos Smyrnaios on “The political stakes of online platforms’ deals with French publishers “. You can access the presentation here
Published: October 13, 2021
Participated in the AoIR2021
Published: November 16, 2021
Published: April 01, 2022
Participated in the JOLT April 2022 Conference in Amsterdam
Published: May 25, 2022
Participated in the ICA 2022 Conference in Paris (Preconference on Platform Governance & Digital Sovereignty). You can access the presentation here
Published: May 26, 2022
Participated in the ICA 2022 Conference in Paris (Preconference: From International News Flows to Platformization of Journalism: Global News Diversity in Perspective)
Published: May 28, 2022
Participated in the ICA 2022 Conference in Paris (Panel on Media Capture). You can access the presentation here
Published: October 21, 2022
Participated in a symposium of the European Journal of Communication for an upcoming Special Issue on the Platformisation of the Public Sphere. You can access the presentation here and you can read the preprint here.
Published: March 03, 2023
Presented a work-in-progress with Eugenia Siapera on a case study demonstrating how Big Tech is colonising a periphery country like Greece by homing in on specific investments announced by the company. You can access the presentation here and read here more about the conference.
Published: March 03, 2023
Spoke to the emerging regulatory framework of the EU regarding online platforms
Published: April 23, 2023
Presented a work-in-progress with Eugenia Siapera on a case study demonstrating how Big Tech is colonising a periphery country like Greece by homing in on specific investments announced by the company. You can access the presentation here.
Published: May 30, 2023
Presented our work on GNI and its implications for media innovation in Africa and the Middle East. You can access our presentation here.
Published: September 11, 2023
Participated in a panel on Big Tech’s influence over independent journalism with Marius Dragomir, Courtney Radsch and Mark Dempsey. Organised by Media Freedom Rapid Response.
Published: November 22, 2023
Presented a work-in-progress project, a collaboration with Thomas Poell, Natali Helberger and David Nieborg on reconceptualising complementors. You can find a transcript of my presentation here.
Published: November 25, 2023
Gave a keynote at the annual Undergraduate Policy Competition of Canada. You can access the presentation here and a transcript of my keynote here.
Published: February 15, 2024
Presented our work with Fabio Votta on analysing the Statement of the Reasons of the DSA’s database in the DSA Observatory’s “EU Platform Regulation”. You can access our presentation here.
Lecture, Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, 2021-01-28 00:00:00 -0800
Gave a lecture to BA students of Media Studies on the Political Economy of Twitch
Lecture, LERASS, 2022-04-15 00:00:00 -0700
Gave a lecture to to sophomore Students of French-Greek High-School “Eugène Delacroix” on Social Media & Politics
Lecture, LERASS, 2022-11-10 00:00:00 -0800
Gave a lecture to PhD Students of LERASS on Digital Methods for the Social Sciences
Lecture, National University of Athens, 2022-12-03 00:00:00 -0800
Gave a lecture to MSc Psychology Students of the NUA on Digital Methods for the Social Sciences
Lecture, Sciences Po, Campus de Reims, 2023-04-11 00:00:00 -0700
Gave a guest lecture on the relationship between platforms and journalism to SciencesPo undergraduate students.